Ingredient No-No's Manufacturers put in your Pets Food!

Ingredient No-No's Manufacturers put in your Pets Food!

Checking the ingredient list on your pet's food and treats is important. When choosing nutrition for your pet, please avoid products with the following ingredients!
  1. Butylated-Hydroxytoluene (BHT) – used to extend the shelf life of a fat by preventing fats and oils from prematurely spoiling. The World Health Organization WHO has listed both BHT and BHA as suspicious cancer-causing compounds.
  2. Ethoxyquin– preservative to prevent food from becoming rancid. Also used for making synthetic rubber which makes it even more controversial. Banned from human foods as cancerous. However, still found in dog food products (even if it’s not on the label!)
  3. Propylene GlycolChemical used to reduce moisture and prevent bacterial growth. "The FDA has banned Propylene Glycol in cat treats because it can cause Heinz body anemia in felines, a serious blood disease. The FDA says Propylene Glycol is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAD) for canines." While it is labeled okay for dogs to eat, this controversial ingredient is still considered toxic to dogs at certain levels. And, if you own a cat, be extra careful that your cat does not get into any dog food that contains Propylene Glycol!
  4. Tertiary Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ)Studies have found prolonged exposure can lead to cancer.
  5. Artificial Colors/FlavorsLinked to some serious health conditions, such as cancer, hyperactivity, etc. Adding food coloring is appealing only to the dog owner. Do you think your dog cares what it looks like? (unfortunately, and disappointingly, dogs cannot see color anyway!)
  6. Corn syrup and sugarJust like it does to humans, these ingredients can lead to weight gain, diabetes, tooth decay, hyperactivity, and behavioral problems. There is no need to add these ingredients to dog treats.
  7. Corn & Corn Gluten MealA cheap filler and known allergen.
  8. Meat By-ProductIncludes the “leftovers” from an animal’s carcass once the meat is removed, such as eyes, hooves, feet, beaks, feathers, and hair. One of the main concerns is the nutritional discrepancy and that you never know exactly what your pup is truly eating.
  9. Meat MealIt's a vague and unidentifiable description of an unknown source and quality of meat.
  10. SoyTypically used for dogs with allergies, it is also used as a cheap protein source that allows manufacturers to save costs on meat ingredients. Ironically, most US-grown soybeans are genetically modified (GMO). Soy is estrogenic and known to harm a dog’s endocrine system.
  11. Flavor Enhancersalso known as rendered fat, sugars, salt, flavors, monosodium glutamate (MSG). "While MSG by law doesn't have to appear on pet food ingredient labels, you can often find it in these ambiguous ingredients: hydrolyzed protein, protein isolate, texturized protein, natural flavours(like chicken flavour), autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed yeast, yeast extracts, soy extracts or concentrate." 

And remember, CountryPet Naturals is complete, balanced and is made with your pet's health in mind!

The CPN Team

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